Online Training: How Does It Work? Whats The Matter?

Do you know the possibilities of online training for your employees? The HR of the future must be aware of the possibility of training workers even at a distance and, in order to get ahead, it is necessary to take solutions now.

The Covid-19 pandemic was a milestone in society, affecting social, family and labor relations. With it, many activities started to be provided at a distance, and in the job market the home office became the rule.

The provision of external or remote service can (and needs!) be accompanied by other adaptations that allow the maintenance of the proper functioning of the company and the constant search for improvement in activities and productivity.

For this, it is crucial that the company and HR seek ways to maintain the engagement and production strategies of the human department, even if the activities are currently in telework . Among them are training.

Below, learn all about the trainings that can be done remotely and that keep your company ahead of the competition!

What Is Online Training?

This is the type of training that takes place over the internet rather than face-to-face. It is as if the classroom, lecture or workshop were transferred to the online environment.

Training of this type is a great option to maintain company schedules related to employee qualification. For this, all you need to do is have a device connected to the internet, such as a cell phone, tablet or computer.

The class, lecture or other type of course can be broadcast in real time, live, or recorded. Another interesting point is that watching it is a task that can take place anywhere, whether the employee is traveling or not.

Online training is nothing more than a category of distance learning or EaD. Along with the home Office, it became a big trend throughout 2020 and should continue to be a strong presence next year.

Here it is important to make another highlight. Even if your company resumes face-to-face operation in the next year or after a certain period, internet training is still a good option.

It increases the possibilities and chances that employees are interested and participate in it. Another issue, as we will see below, is that it can be cheaper for companies and more interesting.

Why opt for online training?

Now that you know more about the training that is done over the internet, it’s time to know why you choose it. There are several reasons that should lead your company to consider it and choose it in the future.

1. Online Training

The first of the advantages that Online training done on the internet promotes is the training of the employee. It is the qualification of the worker, who is exposed to new knowledge that can be used in daily work.

Online Training does not necessarily depend on internet training. What happens is that it is now the best option for companies, since the pandemic is not over and agglomerations are still not indicated.

In this sense, it is the course or training carried out on the internet that allows the company to maintain and continue the training plans that it had already outlined previously.

2. Democratization of knowledge

The second advantage we highlight about using online training is that it is able to democratize knowledge. Like? Allowing employees who would not be able to attend the on-site course to participate in it.

Employees often fail to participate in these courses offered by companies not for lack of interest, but because they are unable to attend for other personal reasons.

Among them are other private courses, child care and commitments related to them, mobility difficulties, such as lack of proper transport, among others.

By opting for training on the internet, the company gives these employees the opportunity to participate. They will be in the comfort of their homes and will not need to travel.

As for timetables, even if there is incompatibility, most courses allow the student to watch the class after the live broadcast, in a recording.

3. Employee engagement

Engaging employees is one of the functions of HR and for this, courses are often used. The ones made on the internet have the same qualities related to engagement.

By offering free courses to employees, the company demonstrates that it is investing in them. This illustrates that she believes in that professional’s potential and seeks to help him grow ever more.

An engaged employee helps reduce turnover rates in the company and believes in their future within that organization. It starts looking for new solutions and seeing itself as part of the company.

4. Increased productivity and quality of services

The fourth highlight of the use of internet training for your teams is directly related to the previous one.

A company’s investment in training for its employees tends to increase their engagement. This generates its reflexes and they are illustrated by the increase in productivity.

Online Training

A professional engaged in the workday sees himself as part of the company and seeks joint growth with the institution. This leads him to look for ways to carry out activities more productively and for new solutions to old problems.

This leads to increased productivity and the quality of service itself, as new ways to do them more effectively are constantly being sought.

For a company to achieve the improvement of its products or services, it is essential that employees are engaged in helping it to achieve improvement. That’s why using online training can help the organization.

5. Lower cost to the company

The last point that perfectly illustrates why to make use of distance training, over the internet, to the detriment of face-to-face training is that the first requires less expense.

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